Bente Elisabeth Posts

23/03/2024 / / Home

VELKOMMEN: Bente Elisabeth på Galleri Mols, Vråvej 5, 8420 Knebel.  Åbent efter aftale. Open by appointment. Contakt: Kunst, natur og skaber-værket Foredrag v. Bente Elisabeth Endresen Onsdag den 2.…

13/05/2024 / / Events

 Bente Elisabeth som rejseleder /Tourguide til Tromsø – Svalbard – Oslo – Indien , samt foredrag:      2025 – Ture hvor der stadig er plads: 2025 Fra søndag d. 17.…

18/01/2024 / / Exhibitions

Tromsoe Cathedral. In 2008, at the invitation of the Tromsø International Church Festival, I painted 5 triptychs for Tromsø Cathedral. The festival was a fireworks display of beautiful music concerts. The 5…

08/08/2023 / / Exhibitions

Click for CV / List of exhibitions   Just now and Upcoming exhibitions / Just now my focus is on commissions for private and companies.  Aktuelt og kommende udstillinger. Og foredrag…

23/07/2023 / / Rent Art

🇬🇧🇩🇰  Rent art for your company, office, home. Contact me for more information.  Ægte Kunst for en flaske god whisky. Firma eller privat: Drømmer du om ægte malerier, fleksibilitet, malerier du kan…

22/07/2023 / / Events
03/10/2022 / / Gallery

Paintings for sale. For more information, write  Malerierne nedenfor kan købes ved at kontakte Bente Elisabeth.    Flower inspiration. Paintings below in this group that are 30×30 cm, oil on…

01/10/2022 / / CV

  Coming: Exhibitions, Lecture, Travel guide 2023 –    Great news I am happy to share: Springer has published “Transformation Literacy. Pathways to Regenerative Civilizations”.  The book was initiated and edited…

03/09/2022 / / 17 Pathways

🇬🇧 Great news I am happy to share:
Springer has published “Transformation Literacy. Pathways to Regenerative Civilizations”.  The book was initiated and edited by Professor Kristin Vala Ragnarsdottir, with co-editor Dr. Petra Künkel.
My contribution is chapter 18: “Red Snow—When the Climate Bleeds: A Nordic Art and Science Project Aimed at Overcoming Climate Apathy Through Collaboration Between Artists and Scientists.”
With generous foundation support, the book is now open access. 

🇬🇧 The project “RED SNOW – ICE IN MOTION / RED SNOW – WHEN THE CLIMATE BLEEDS” is presented.    GREAT NEWS:   


A project with art and science, initiated and lead by artist, curator, HD/A Bente Elisabeth Endresen.
The project offers a kaleidoscopic look at the climate and natural changes happening in the Nordic countries, as seen through the eyes of artists, philosophers and researchers. It concerns us all.
What is happening to Mother Earth with the changes in nature and the Climate? We must gather and face the new reality we are causing. And create a vision for the future
– and act on it.
We owe it to the Earth, to ourselves, and to future generations. Let us enjoy life – knowing that we have done our share to make the Earth a better place to live.

01/08/2022 / / CV

 International artist Bente Elisabeth:   (Text in Deutsch neben unter.)  (Dansk tekst nederst på siden.)  I  paint impressions, moods, atmospheric images that support the atmosphere you want in your home, your office, your…